What are the maximum/minimum feeding voltage for UpSquared?

My board is UpSquared. My operating system is Ubuntu 16.04. I am using mini usb wifi
adapter, mini usb wifi adapter, SATA for a disk, and some gpio pins and 5v pins also.
In datasheet, power supply voltage is written 5 volt DC. My question is that what is the maximum and minimum limits? For example can I give 6 Volt,4 Volt,7volt? I tried to give 5.5, 5.3 Volt and there is no problem. What are the limits and what are the warnings if I give more than 5V?
We follow the standard power spec for 5% tolerance, so the operating voltage range is 4.75 ~ 5.25V. -
@rogertsai(AAEON) Thank for your answer. Can you give me a reference to check your sayings? And if I give more than those tolerances, is it too dangerous?
There is no any reference document for this.
I strongly recommend you to apply 5V (+-5% tolerance) to UP/UP^2/UP CORE, to ensure its safe use and stable voltage at all times. -
I have the same question regarding the maximum/minimum voltage but for the 5V HAT pins. Do the same tolerances apply there or are the limits wider or smaller? @rogertsai(AAEON) could you maybe help out on this one as well?
Thanks on beforehand. -
Yes, it's the same.
To be input on 5V HAT (Pin2, pin4), the maximum input current is 3A for 1pin, so I recommend that both the pins need to connect with 5v power supply. BTW, please note that, unless you have designed the power board to control 5V power input, please don’t plug in the 5V power into the DC jack and Pin2 & Pin4 of HAT40 GPIO header at same time