Latest Kernel Patches

Do you have the latest kernel patches available somewhere? It would be nice if these were available as an official download.
The pre-patched kernels (ppa) available seem quite old, I'd like to be able to just build my own latest kernel whenever I need to.
Hi @chris_yokum
You can find the source code for Ubuntu Kernel 4.15 for UP on the following repositories: also released Ubuntu kernel 5.0, but it is currently tested only on UP Xtreme, we will provide an update for the other platforms by the end of March: -
@DCleri Which files in the repo are new/would i need to port over to a different kernel version? I need to use the RT patch and it doesnt seem to exist for kernel 4.15 so I would like to port it over to 4.16 if possible. Is it just upboard.c and upboard_pinctrl.c in /drivers/platform/x86 ?
I believe it would be easier to port from 4.15 to 4.16.
To make sure you include all the necessary files/changes, please check history and do a diff with the base kernel used for the UP Kernel:
UBUNTU: Ubuntu-hwe-4.15.0-37.40~16.04.1
@DCleri said:
We also released Ubuntu kernel 5.0, but it is currently tested only on UP Xtreme, we will provide an update for the other platforms by the end of March:
Hello, are there good news regarding to this (UPBoard platform) ?
Validation is not complete yet and we are working on the last part of the process before we can publish the new Kernel.
We should be able to release it in the coming weeks, but I don't have an exact date right now.
Hi @DCleri, can you provide an update on the 5.0 kernel compatibility with other boards? I'm specifically interested in running it on the UP Squared. I'm also curious if there are plans to release a newer kernel and/or Ubuntu version (20.04 LTS with 5.4 kernel is now available). Thanks!
Hi @niharG
The kernel 5.0 is ready for all the boards and we have published on the following PPA:
sudo apt-get install linux-generic-hwe-18.04-edge-upboard
we will update the wiki soon with the new information
About Ubuntu 20.04 and Kernel 5.4 will be adopted later this year between Q3 and Q4 this year.
Kernel 5.4 will be available for both Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04
That's great news! Thank you for the update
@DCleri has the source code for the kernel 5.0 been released to gitlab as well? I would like to use it to build the kernel with the PREEMPT_RT patch. please let me know
Let us know if you manage and if possible what software/application are you planning to run on top.
@DCleri thank you for the link. I was able to build and install the kernel, but i've noticed that SPI no longer shows up under /dev/ anymore. I have not been able to get it to show up at all since kernel v4.8 and im not sure why. I require both /dev/spidev2.1 and /dev/spidev2.0. Do you have any ideas what might be the case or how to proceed? Thanks
In order to have SPI working on UP board you would need to include and port all our I/O pinctrl patches which are included in our kernels.
@DCleri Are there any updates on Kernel 5.4 and Ubuntu 20.04?
We are still working on it as there are some issues we faced during the upgrade in functionalities for the first UP Board that we would need to resolve first.
With Kernel 5.0 installed and Ubuntu 18.04.5 I am unable to install ROS MELODIC.
I've wiped the drive twice and restarted with a fresh install per the instructions. I get to an Ubuntu desktop that works. When I go to install ros melodic:
sudo apt install ros-melodic-desktop-full (or any of the ros builds)
I get bad package error and apt aborts. Digging into the dependencies, even after
sudo apt-get --fix-broken install
sudo apt-get clean
sudo apt-get install -f
sudo dpkg --configure -a
sudo apt-get updateI find that there are some Debian test builds installed ahead of the Ubuntu supported packages. Reverting to those older ones hasn't worked... yet (haven't gone through the whole chain). Before going further. Anyone got ROS MELODIC on Ubuntu 18.04 going with Kernel 5.0. I think I should go back to 4.15 and Ubuntu 18.4. Thoughts?
Just installed 1604 with the 4.15 kernel. Got a working Ubuntu desktop. Went to install ros-kinetic and same error.
Depends on 4 ros sub packages like ros-kinetic-desktop, ros-kinetic-perception. And when I drill down on those I they depend on ros-kinetic-core (for instance) which itself has 10 dependencies that won't be installed... further digging leads to more dependencies to packages like libopenmpi-dev, then libhwloc-dev, then libnuma-dev, which finally gets to the same problem above. libnuma-dev depends on libnuma1=2.0.11-1ubuntu1 and what's already installed is ubuntu 1.1 of the same library. This is true in 100 places it seems.
Who has successfully installed ROS on the 4.15 or 5.0 kernel? How? Going back to 5.0 and 18.04 to figure this out.
SOLVED. By unchecking download updates, I'd inadvertently set the update flags. Once I reset them after a clean install. It worked. Doh!