Source for Kernel Patches for Ubuntu Xenial/Bionic (v4.15) ?

Is the source code for the patches for kernel v4.15 for ubuntu 18.04 available anywhere. I can only find old v4.4 patches as well as patches for v4.14 from the Yocto Sumo image. It is possible for me to get the entire source from the .deb file but then I don't know what was directly patched in.
v4.15 of the kernel does not have a PREEMPT_RT patch and so my goal is to port over patches to 4.16.7. Thanks
Usually, the answer from AAEON is to get the sources from apt...
But for the patches you can look at the Yocto layer (but kernel 4.14 version):
@rreignier said:
Hi,Usually, the answer from AAEON is to get the sources from apt...
But for the patches you can look at the Yocto layer (but kernel 4.14 version):
will these patches apply cleanly to 4.15 or 4.16?
i suppose i can also try installing a patched v4.14 kernel on 18.04 as well
@tdudz said:
will these patches apply cleanly to 4.15 or 4.16?You can try, I think there is a good chance that it will work. And don't forget to enable the new modules in the config after.