Voltage levels on the 100-pin expansion connector

Hello, can you please assign someone from your team to update the table for the 100-pin connector with IO voltage levels?
I guess most of these pins are connected directly to the processor and are operating at either 1.2 or 1.8 volts, right?
I think for the RPi style connector on the original UpBoard, there is a CPLD and shifting logic, but this is not applicable to the UpBoard Core, which I believe is connected (with few exceptions) directly to the processor.
From page 25 in the Intel Atom® Processor Z8000 Series Datasheet, Vol. 1 (see below) the GPIOs are either 1.8V or 3.3V. Still trying to figure out which one is which.
Ok it seems that most GPIOs that one would be interested in are running at 1.8V. You need to check the datasheet though because a minority do operate at 3.3V. The best way to find out is to look at the non-GPIO function in Chapter 2 of the datasheet and find out the corresponding power type association, e.g., V1P8A or V3P3A etc.
Except the power pins where the voltage is expressed in the table, the pins are connected directly to the SoC.
Our Hardware team will help to fill the gaps in the documentation and include the correct voltage value for each pin on the 100pin connector.
Please refer to the UP core carrier board design guide and you will find the information you asked for
If you don't have that document , you can find the design guide here.