[Solved] Intel Cherry Trail drivers setup fails on Windows 10 home - Up Board.

Following the instructions from downloads at https://downloads.up-community.org/ for Windows 10 64its drivers for the Up Board, you get the UP-CHT01_Windows_10_driver 20180223 zip that contains 5 group of drivers. The first one is the chipset drivers from Intel.
I have my Up Board with Windows 10 home installed (10.0.18363.535), working very inefficiently with all generic microsoft drivers. If I try to run the Setup of intel drivers it always fails, without installing any of the chipset specific drivers. If, as suggested, I have a look at the setup log, it seems to fail because it doesn't find some expected registry setting or keys.
Has anyone met this issue? Fond a solution?
Maybe it was off-topic for this area, however I solved, first upgrading to BIOS 15 then following this post: (https://forum.up-community.org/discussion/717/installation-of-win10-64-step-1-drivers-fails). The key is to remove spaces of the folder name.
Remember if these are unsigned drivers, windows security kernel will prevent the installation. Only signed drivers are typically installed without problems. If installing unsigned drivers (you can have this problem with Beaglebone boards on Windows 10 also), there are three ways to do the install (command line admin level cntrl/shift/enter, bcdedit /set testsigning on, install drivers, /set testsigning off etc.)
see https://www.maketecheasier.com/install-unsigned-drivers-windows10/ for all three ways to install unsigned drivers. -
@MWH said:
Remember if these are unsigned drivers, windows security kernel will prevent the installation. Only signed drivers are typically installed without problems. If installing unsigned drivers (you can have this problem with Beaglebone boards on Windows 10 also), there are three ways to do the install (command line admin level cntrl/shift/enter, bcdedit /set testsigning on, install drivers, /set testsigning off etc.)
see https://www.maketecheasier.com/ happy wheels install-unsigned-drivers-windows10/ for all three ways to install unsigned drivers.okay perfect thanks for the info!
@MWH said:
Remember if these are unsigned drivers, windows security kernel will prevent the installation. Only signed drivers are typically installed without problems. If installing unsigned drivers (you can have this problem with Beaglebone boards on Windows 10 also), there are three ways to do the install (command line admin level cntrl/shift/enter, bcdedit /set testsigning on, install drivers, /set testsigning off etc.)
see https://www.maketecheasier.com/ offshorededi install-unsigned-drivers-windows10/ for all three ways to install unsigned drivers.thankyou for the info.