UP2 supports I2S ?

I2S seems to be supported for UP2 and we can see I2S setting in BIOS menu.
However, kernel update seems to be required as we see in the following discussion
Has the kernel patch for I2S released ?
At the moment the kernel support from Intel is available only on mainline Kernel 5.2+ (better 5.3), this means that, if you want to use the functionality you cannot use a supported kernel from the community, but you need a more recent kernel
Thanks @DCleri ,
I hope updated kernel would be available soon.
Hi @hgemini,
With the current schedule, I am afraid we won't be able to align with kernel 5.3+ before Q3/Q4 2020.
Did this occur as expected for adding I2S Bus to UP 2?
HAL20012010, I am at the same point. I want to install the Hifiberry DAC+ PRO to get the I2S output into my reclocker. The SOF manual (https://thesofproject.github.io/latest/getting_started/setup/setup_up_2_board.html) shows how to do it for the non PRO version, but there is a recent update which seems to be supported as well (https://github.com/thesofproject/acpi-scripts/pull/8)
I have not tested yet because I am finishing the hardware part of the transport. The whole process seems quite complicated.
Check this link as well https://forum.up-community.org/discussion/4484/up-core-plus-i2s-audio-support-linux -
Hi All,
The process described was needed before SOF support was available upstream.
As for kernel 5.3+ you should be have the I2S functionality without the need to recompile the kernel on UP Squared and then using the acpi configuration available on github, but the steps were not tested.Also as of Kernel 5.11 most of the UP Series should be supported for I2S and DMIC/Soundwire for newer platforms.