SPI interface. Aaeon SDK samples

Hello, I just install the Aaeon framework (Hi-safe from his website) in order to handle the SPI display.
In the documentation, there is a "sample" folder with SPI, I2C... However, I can't see this sample folder and no other example code.
Where can I find an example for the serial display as well as I2c?
Please refer to attached SPI beta package.
We will implement it into our SDK officially in near future.Configuration
OS: Windows 10 1709 above
BIOS: UPC1DM15 above
Set OS IMAGE ID to “Windows 10 IoT Core” in the BIOS boot menu
Install visual c++ redistributable (Visual Studio 2015) for execute SpiTestTool.exe
https://www.microsoft.com/zh-TW/download/details.aspx?id=48145The tool has two modes that we will use, SPI setup and SPI control.
For SPI setup:
The “-h” option use to view a list of examples of parameter usage. Type the following command at shell prompt >>SpiTestTool.exe –h
For SPI control:
Type “SpiTestTool.exe” into Command Prompt. This command will allow you to run a program from the selected file path.
Type “help” into Command Prompt, to view a list of SPI commands.Thanks.
thank you for your reply. I will take a look as a starting point.
@ApeiChen said:
Hi,Please refer to attached SPI beta package.
We will implement it into our SDK officially in near future.Thanks.
Tried to use this tool. There is no SPI controllers found on Up board.
(bios v17, win10x64, framework is installed, dio and i2c works fine)What can be wrong ?
Device manager screenshot and program output are attached
Fisrt, could you check if you have such a driver named resource hub proxy device in your device manager?
If not, please help to check your bios setting about OS image ID is Windows 10 IoT Core and your Win10 version is 1709 or above
Thanks a lot.
@ApeiChen , Thanks a lot! Got it!
SPI now works as expected (small bug - 1st SPI read after power up is wrong).
COM0/UART1 on 8/10 HAT connector pins now works too!Used SPITestTool, Minicom, I2CTestTool and GPIOTestTool were downloaded from here https://github.com/ms-iot/samples
Will upcoming SDK use "new style" via rhproxy driver or "old style" via aaeonEAPI.dll ?
p.s. GPIOTestTool - always get an error "failed to get instance of default GPIO controller"
I2CTestTool - no activity on i2c pins (measured by external oscilloscope)Is there any work around to fix I2CTestTool and GPIOTestTool issues ?
Screenshots of all programs are attached.
It was a long story, I will provide some details in post below. -
After OS IMAGE ID switch in bios to Win 10 IOT Core, 5 new devices are listed in Device Manager.
It can be verified by reading ACPI table via RWEverything ( ht_tp://rweverything_com/downloads/RwPortableV1.7.zip ) .
There MSFT8000 devices should exist ( ht_tp://annabooks_com/Articles/Articles_IoT10Core/Windows-10-IoT-microIO-Requirements-on-IA-Rev1.6.pdf ) .
SSDT screen is attached.We are using Win 1607 LTSB, with build does not include Resource Hub proxy driver (rhproxy) driver.
But this driver could be transferred from other builds (we used driver from 1903).
( rohitdubey12's posts here ht_tps://social.msdn.microsoft_com/Forums/en-US/4a25ff63-b421-4a23-856f-acbfcfd93f83/support-for-resource-hub-proxy-rhproxy-driver-in-ltsb-branch?forum=WindowsIoT )
Driver (zip with rhproxy.inf and rhproxy.sys) is attached.This driver is unsigned, so driver signature enforcement (introduced in 1607 build) should be disabled.
This leads to less security and can be done only for testing purposes:- Temporary disable Driver Signature Enforcement (via boot settings
ht_tps://winaero_com/blog/how-to-disable-driver-signature-requirement-in-windows-10/ )
Open the Start menu and click Settings
Go to Update and recovery -> Recovery
There you will find Advanced startup. Click the Restart now button.
Reboot into Advanced Startup options.
In Advanced Startup options screen, click Troubleshoot
In Troubleshoot, click Advanced options:
In Advanced options, select the item Startup settings:
Finally, press the Restart button in Startup settings:
After Windows 10 restarts, You need to press F7 to activate the item "Disable driver signature enforcement"Install attached rhproxy driver for 5 listed devices
Permanently disable Driver Signature Enforcement (via test mode and Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider "dseo13b.exe"
ht_tps://pctuner_club/page-al-dseo.html )
run cmd as admin
bcdedit.exe /set nointegritychecks on
bcdedit.exe /set testsigning on
run Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider "dseo13b.exe"
Sign a system file "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\rhproxy.sys"after rebboot driver should still work
- Temporary disable Driver Signature Enforcement (via boot settings
After OS IMAGE ID switch in bios to Win 10 IOT Core, 5 new devices are listed in Device Manager.
It can be verified by reading ACPI table via RWEverything ( http://rweverything.com/downloads/RwPortableV1.7.zip ) .
There MSFT8000 devices should exist ( http://annabooks.com/Articles/Articles_IoT10Core/Windows-10-IoT-microIO-Requirements-on-IA-Rev1.6.pdf ) .
SSDT screen is attached.We are using Win 1607 LTSB, with build does not include Resource Hub proxy driver (rhproxy) driver.
But this driver could be transferred from other builds (we used driver from 1903).
( rohitdubey12's posts here https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/4a25ff63-b421-4a23-856f-acbfcfd93f83/support-for-resource-hub-proxy-rhproxy-driver-in-ltsb-branch?forum=WindowsIoT )
Driver (zip with rhproxy.inf and rhproxy.sys) is attached.This driver is unsigned, so driver signature enforcement (introduced in 1607 build) should be disabled.
This leads to less security and can be done only for testing purposes:- Temporary disable Driver Signature Enforcement (via boot settings
https://winaero.com/blog/how-to-disable-driver-signature-requirement-in-windows-10/ )
Open the Start menu and click Settings
Go to Update and recovery -> Recovery
There you will find Advanced startup. Click the Restart now button.
Reboot into Advanced Startup options.
In Advanced Startup options screen, click Troubleshoot
In Troubleshoot, click Advanced options:
In Advanced options, select the item Startup settings:
Finally, press the Restart button in Startup settings:
After Windows 10 restarts, You need to press F7 to activate the item "Disable driver signature enforcement"Install attached rhproxy driver for 5 listed devices
Permanently disable Driver Signature Enforcement (via test mode and Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider "dseo13b.exe"
https://pctuner.club/page-al-dseo.html )
run cmd as admin
bcdedit.exe /set nointegritychecks on
bcdedit.exe /set testsigning on
run Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider "dseo13b.exe"
Sign a system file "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\rhproxy.sys"after rebboot driver should still work
- Temporary disable Driver Signature Enforcement (via boot settings
After OS IMAGE ID switch in bios to Win 10 IOT Core, 5 new devices are listed in Device Manager.
It can be verified by reading ACPI table via RWEverything ( http://rweverything.com/downloads/RwPortableV1.7.zip ) .
There MSFT8000 devices should exist ( http://annabooks.com/Articles/Articles_IoT10Core/Windows-10-IoT-microIO-Requirements-on-IA-Rev1.6.pdf ) .
SSDT screen is attached.We are using Win 1607 LTSB, with build does not include Resource Hub proxy driver (rhproxy) driver.
But this driver could be transferred from other builds (we used driver from 1903).
( rohitdubey12's posts here https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/4a25ff63-b421-4a23-856f-acbfcfd93f83/support-for-resource-hub-proxy-rhproxy-driver-in-ltsb-branch?forum=WindowsIoT )
Driver (zip with rhproxy.inf and rhproxy.sys) is attached.This driver is unsigned, so driver signature enforcement (introduced in 1607 build) should be disabled.
This leads to less security and can be done only for testing purposes:- Temporary disable Driver Signature Enforcement (via boot settings
https://winaero.com/blog/how-to-disable-driver-signature-requirement-in-windows-10/ )
Open the Start menu and click Settings
Go to Update and recovery -> Recovery
There you will find Advanced startup. Click the Restart now button.
Reboot into Advanced Startup options.
In Advanced Startup options screen, click Troubleshoot
In Troubleshoot, click Advanced options:
In Advanced options, select the item Startup settings:
Finally, press the Restart button in Startup settings:
After Windows 10 restarts, You need to press F7 to activate the item "Disable driver signature enforcement"Install attached rhproxy driver for 5 listed devices
Permanently disable Driver Signature Enforcement (via test mode and Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider "dseo13b.exe"
https://pctuner.club/page-al-dseo.html )
run cmd as admin
bcdedit.exe /set nointegritychecks on
bcdedit.exe /set testsigning on
run Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider "dseo13b.exe"
Sign a system file "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\rhproxy.sys"after rebboot driver should still work
- Temporary disable Driver Signature Enforcement (via boot settings
After OS IMAGE ID switch in bios to Win 10 IOT Core, 5 new devices are listed in Device Manager.
It can be verified by reading ACPI table via RWEverything ( http://rweverything.com/downloads/RwPortableV1.7.zip ) .
There MSFT8000 devices should exist ( http://annabooks.com/Articles/Articles_IoT10Core/Windows-10-IoT-microIO-Requirements-on-IA-Rev1.6.pdf ) .
SSDT screen is attached.We are using Win 1607 LTSB, with build does not include Resource Hub proxy driver (rhproxy) driver.
But this driver could be transferred from other builds (we used driver from 1903).
( rohitdubey12's posts here https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/4a25ff63-b421-4a23-856f-acbfcfd93f83/support-for-resource-hub-proxy-rhproxy-driver-in-ltsb-branch?forum=WindowsIoT )
Driver (zip with rhproxy.inf and rhproxy.sys) is attached.This driver is unsigned, so driver signature enforcement (introduced in 1607 build) should be disabled.
This leads to less security and can be done only for testing purposes:- Temporary disable Driver Signature Enforcement (via boot settings
https://winaero.com/blog/how-to-disable-driver-signature-requirement-in-windows-10/ )
Open the Start menu and click Settings
Go to Update and recovery -> Recovery
There you will find Advanced startup. Click the Restart now button.
Reboot into Advanced Startup options.
In Advanced Startup options screen, click Troubleshoot
In Troubleshoot, click Advanced options:
In Advanced options, select the item Startup settings:
Finally, press the Restart button in Startup settings:
After Windows 10 restarts, You need to press F7 to activate the item "Disable driver signature enforcement"Install attached rhproxy driver for 5 listed devices
Permanently disable Driver Signature Enforcement (via test mode and Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider "dseo13b.exe"
https://pctuner.club/page-al-dseo.html )
run cmd as admin
bcdedit.exe /set nointegritychecks on
bcdedit.exe /set testsigning on
run Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider "dseo13b.exe"
Sign a system file "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\rhproxy.sys"after rebboot driver should still work
- Temporary disable Driver Signature Enforcement (via boot settings
After OS IMAGE ID switch in bios to Win 10 IOT Core, 5 new devices are listed in Device Manager.
It can be verified by reading ACPI table via RWEverything ( http://rweverything.com/downloads/RwPortableV1.7.zip ) .
There MSFT8000 devices should exist ( http://annabooks.com/Articles/Articles_IoT10Core/Windows-10-IoT-microIO-Requirements-on-IA-Rev1.6.pdf ) .
SSDT screen is attached.We are using Win 1607 LTSB, with build does not include Resource Hub proxy driver (rhproxy) driver.
But this driver could be transferred from other builds (we used driver from 1903).
( rohitdubey12's posts here https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/4a25ff63-b421-4a23-856f-acbfcfd93f83/support-for-resource-hub-proxy-rhproxy-driver-in-ltsb-branch?forum=WindowsIoT )
Driver (zip with rhproxy.inf and rhproxy.sys) is attached.This driver is unsigned, so driver signature enforcement (introduced in 1607 build) should be disabled.
This leads to less security and can be done only for testing purposes:- Temporary disable Driver Signature Enforcement (via boot settings
https://winaero.com/blog/how-to-disable-driver-signature-requirement-in-windows-10/ )
Open the Start menu and click Settings
Go to Update and recovery -> Recovery
There you will find Advanced startup. Click the Restart now button.
Reboot into Advanced Startup options.
In Advanced Startup options screen, click Troubleshoot
In Troubleshoot, click Advanced options:
In Advanced options, select the item Startup settings:
Finally, press the Restart button in Startup settings:
After Windows 10 restarts, You need to press F7 to activate the item "Disable driver signature enforcement"Install attached rhproxy driver for 5 listed devices
Permanently disable Driver Signature Enforcement (via test mode and Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider "dseo13b.exe"
https://pctuner.club/page-al-dseo.html )
run cmd as admin
bcdedit.exe /set nointegritychecks on
bcdedit.exe /set testsigning on
run Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider "dseo13b.exe"
Sign a system file "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\rhproxy.sys"after rebboot driver should still work
- Temporary disable Driver Signature Enforcement (via boot settings