Mount USB at boot and reboot.

Dear all,
how can I mount a USB on boot and reboot?
I have on my USB some files that must be copied on boot and reboot.
Could you help me, please?
I tried a lot of different solution (@reboot in crontab f_or user root_, modify the_ fstab_, putting delays...) bit it does not work in any case.
Note that the USB can change, I just need something that mount any USB key connected to the UPboard when the system boots.
Eng. Silvano Bertoldo, PhD
Dear all,
I tried o modify the following modification in_ fstab_ file. Just add the following row:
/dev/sda1 /mnt/usb auto defaults 1 1
It is the simplest configuration I can define in fstab file.But it does not work on this system, while it works on Debian standard distribution.
Please, could you help me? Is there something I miss or I do not understand in the configuration of UPboard????
Eng. Silvano Bertoldo, PhD
I solved my problem: please note that the ubilinux OS automount the USB key in /media/[user]/[USBlabel] immediately when it is plugged, and also when you boot the system.
After the boot, if you go to that folder you can find your USB.Silvano
Eng. Silvano Bertoldo, PhD
Hi @Sil
I'm glad you found a solution. Many thanks for sharing it with the community.
Best regards,