Mount USB at boot and reboot.

Sil New Member Posts: 29 ✭✭

Dear all,

how can I mount a USB on boot and reboot?
I have on my USB some files that must be copied on boot and reboot.
Could you help me, please?
I tried a lot of different solution (@reboot in crontab f_or user root_, modify the_ fstab_, putting delays...) bit it does not work in any case.
Note that the USB can change, I just need something that mount any USB key connected to the UPboard when the system boots.



Eng. Silvano Bertoldo, PhD



  • Sil
    Sil New Member Posts: 29 ✭✭

    Dear all,

    I tried o modify the following modification in_ fstab_ file. Just add the following row:
    /dev/sda1 /mnt/usb auto defaults 1 1
    It is the simplest configuration I can define in fstab file.

    But it does not work on this system, while it works on Debian standard distribution.

    Please, could you help me? Is there something I miss or I do not understand in the configuration of UPboard????


    Eng. Silvano Bertoldo, PhD

  • Sil
    Sil New Member Posts: 29 ✭✭

    I solved my problem: please note that the ubilinux OS automount the USB key in /media/[user]/[USBlabel] immediately when it is plugged, and also when you boot the system.
    After the boot, if you go to that folder you can find your USB.


    Eng. Silvano Bertoldo, PhD

  • Dan O'Donovan
    Dan O'Donovan Administrator, Moderator, Emutex Posts: 241 admin

    Hi @Sil

    I'm glad you found a solution. Many thanks for sharing it with the community.

    Best regards,

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