AI Core X

I have an UP Squared with an AI Core X mPCIe neural network accelerator card plugged in.
I followed the steps to install the driver under
"Additional Installation Steps for Intel® Vision Accelerator Design with Intel® Movidius™ VPUs" at
to use the mPCIe card.
Does anyone know what device type I should specify to run the OpenVINO R5
object_detection_demo for instance for the AI Core X (-d argument)? Usually it is
CPU/GPU/MYRIAD/FPGA. The MYRIAD option is only for the USB connected Neural Compute Stick 2.
Best Answer
There was never a problem with AI Core X, as stated above from my reply.
Please follow the steps provided by the Linux Installer tutorial (2020.3 LTS version): make sure to install the VPU dependencies to correctly use the AI Core X: MYRIAD plugin has been deprecated, so please use HDDL instead.
Similar steps are available and works properly also with the latest version 2021.3
Please check the OpenVINO installation guide at this page.
That guide is for the 2018 R5 version which is no longer available, it does not work for the current 2019 openvino versions; thestep for the Myriad X VPU fails to build HDDL / ION drivers.
Please check my reply on this topic: 2019 versions (including the latest release) have been successfully tested and AI Core X works with both plugins (MYRIAD and HDDL) depending on the setup steps you follow.
Is this problem resolved in the 2020 versions? I have the same problem with latest versions.