Training a very light model on Up board

Hi everyone. I'm a new one here and might be I put the question in a wrong place. If yes please tell me where I should go, thank you.
I have some Up boards and working on a computer vision problem. I know that Up board is made for inference only and not for training. But can we just train a very very light deep learning model ? If yes which framework is supported (tensorflow, pytorch, ...) and how I can install it ? How about other machine learning model (random forest, ...)
Thank you for your help,
Do you receive any answers? I'm also very curious about that.
You can try to run a training with tensorflow using the CPU, but you would need a build without AVX instructions. Also the performance would be extremely low.
On UP Squared and newer you can use tensorflow-opencl and run training using the integrated GPU, also this one was not tested, but it should be working using the correct tensorflow package.