pinctrl on upboard 6000 running 5.15.129-rt67-intel

rvup New Member Posts: 9

Not able to insmod the pinctrl-upboard driver from pinctrl-1.1.5
Not able to insmod the upboard-cpld
upboard-cpld.ko: No such device
Any tips on what this error means?


  • HarryChiu
    HarryChiu New Member Posts: 188 ✭✭✭

    Hi @rvup

    Please download the pinctrl 1.1.5 and follow the steps to install
    1. sudo apt update
    2. sudo apt install dkms
    3. sudo dpkg -i pinctrl-upboard_1.1.5_all.deb
    4. reboot

    To check whether the installation is successful, you can use this command
    lsmod | grep up

    Best Regards,
    Harry Chiu

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