Win IoT Core O/S - Device Portal: Username/Password required??

I have an UPBoard 1GB with WIN IoT o/s installed and running. The BIOS password has been set to "1234", all ok there.
The device (Name: UPBoard) is visible on the local network ( and is listed when I open the IoT Dashboard. However, when I try to open the Device Portal from the Dashboard it asks for Username and Password because the device site is not private (
I have tried lots of different combinations of username and passwords without success including 'administrator' with P/W= up123.
Can anyone assist with my problem or possibly how to reset the username and password?
I feel this is not a message from my own LAN as I have a number of devices already connected without getting this message so I feel it is coming from the UP board .
Can an UP engineer please reply. Thank you.
You have to use Win IoT Device Portal default user name “Administrator”, and the default password is “p@ssw0rd”