UP-CHT01-A10-0432 Windows 10 1809 installation problem

I made the official installation of windows 10 to the 1809 version but randomly and on different cards and I am getting the error that I am attaching.
The screen error says:
the computer has encountered a problem and needs to be restarted. collection of information on the error in progress. At the end the computer will be restarted automatically
Could you give me directions or a technical reference how to overcome the problem ?
Please have a look on the link below, it's the same question from you?
@rogertsai(AAEON) Yes, it's the same.
@invis ,
I did some tests on Win10 1809, and it's working well (see the picture below, my update method is )
Here is my windows update steps
1. Head over to the official download site >> [click this link]
2. Click Update now, to download the Windows10Upgrade9252
3. Go through the Windows10Upgrade9252 to execute update operations for my Win10 update (from 1703 to 1809)Could you explain with more detail how to replicate this issue, and what's your application environment.
And What’s BIOS version you use? Did the BSoD occur before or after Windows Update to 1809? Have you tried reinstall the drivers for your UP? -
We have the same problem olso with Windows 10 v1709 and we move to 1809 hopping to resolve the issue.
We did the checks suggested but with no result.
I suppouse this is a common issue we bought 20 boards and we are having a lot of trouble
The problem is with UP-CHT01-A10-0432 S/N# C17B00794 -
I enclose the images with the version of the bios and the Windows information.
The machine is used as a work notification display for presses,
lathes or cnc machines in the industrial field.The problem reported is presented with both version 1809 and version 1709 of windows. With the 1709 version we also reinstalled the drivers provided by the upboard site but without improvements.
Currently we are investigating potential power problems, in fact the cards are connected to the 24V line of the relative machine, there are no problems of absorption but potential power holes.
Your BIOS is very old (UPC1BM0S old code base) and must be upgraded to a recent version (UPC1DM15)
Please click the link below to visit the BIOS download page, to upgrade your BIOS & reinstall windows 10 again
https://downloads.up-community.org/download/up-board-uefi-bios-upc1dm15/ -
I have the same bios versione and I'm trying to update bios to the lastest available UPC1DM15 but when I lunch the GO.nsh script I get the error attached