UP-CHT01-A10-0432 in UP-GWS01-A10-0001

Could you please advise how to install the UP-CHT01-A10-0432 in the UP-GWS01-A10-0001 chassis without removing the heat sink?
Thank you
Thomas Rosendahl
Hi Thomas,
You cannot, the heatsink must be removed as the chassis integrate the heatsink itself.
You can find the assembly instructions from this link: https://up-shop.org/index.php?controller=attachment&id_attachment=21
Hi again, we advised the customer accordingly and they responded:
"Sorry I do not follow, agree with the part where the radiator needs to be taken out to install the case, what I am missing is how this can be done, or else how can I install the case that I have procured from yourselves.
Which is as stated "for UP board" that clearly doesn't fit it due to above ( which is also visible on your assembly guide _ the UP board has no radiator on it ). Are there any alternatives that can be explored ?"Kind regards
Thomas Rosendahl
Mouser Electronics
S/O 431848 -
Hi, could you provide an update please?
The existing heatsink has to be removed completely:
1. The top part can be removed easily. Trying to rotate the top heatsink a few times should be sufficient to remove it
2. Remove the screws to detach the bottom part
3. Assemble the enclosure as per instructions provided.Alternatively they can buy the pre-assembled unit