Up-board Linux Install Instructions 16.04 install fails

sudo apt-get autoremove --purge 'linux-.*generic'
throws and error - of course we are running this kernel at the time
sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic-hwe-16.04-upboard
This throws an error saying it depends on the kernel it just removed?
Then it locks up
Since my earlier comment was very vague and not helpful
I figured I would do a step by step
I do this
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubilinux/upUpdate the repository list
sudo apt update
Remove all the generic installed kernel
sudo apt-get autoremove --purge 'linux-.*generic'
(this section throws the modal window warning about the kernel being removed is the kernal being used) OK I push through
Install our kernel:sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic-hwe-16.04-upboard
(this doesnt install because it says it was dependant on all the stuff the earlier commands removed)Install the updates (please make sure to not upgrade the system to Ubuntu 18.04):
sudo apt dist-upgrade -y
sudo rebootI get to there and reboot
All that it brings me to is a an initramfs prompt and just hangs
I have reinstalled several times
Starting from this point I have tried to then reinstall dependencies
sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic-hwe-16.04-upboardthen reinstall the sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic-hwe-16.04-upboard
All seems to go well
and again it just reboots and hangs at the initramfs prompt
I have tried it a few different ways and every way results in an unbootable build.
Always resulting in a need to reinstall and start over again
Hi @TheVoice ,
What Ubuntu generic version are you using before installing the upboard Linux kernel?
Also, what BIOS version?Did you try to do a sudo apt-get install -f after installing upboard kernel?
Hi @ccalde Yes I did try sudo apt-get install -f after installing the upboard kernel.
Even after doing that it reboots to the initramfs
Ill check my bios version. I hadn't updated anything yet - I literally just received the upboard so maybe I should have
The BIOS Version I have is
UP-CHT01 R1.1 (UPC1DM11)
Version 2.18.1263 -
I think that is the latest one right?
Ok so no suggestions? Come one guys - just bought this board. There is a video on youtube that varies from the tutorial here a bit that looks like it was put out by emutex @ccalde what do you suggest
- looks likeSorry I missed that @ccalde
Tried the video that ended with the AAEON logo - it didn't work either - my board needs to keep the kernel.
Do you have an updated kernel maybe
Hi @TheVoice ,
Yes, your BIOS for UP board is updated.
Also, Is your Ubuntu version 16.04.3??
If not, you have to use that Ubuntu version desktop.Once you install your Ubuntu, try the following steps:
sudo apt update
sudo apt full-upgrade -y
sudo rebootAfter that, you can continue with the steps for the UP kernel:
https://wiki.up-community.org/Ubuntu#Install_Ubuntu_kernel_for_UP_from_PPA -
Thank you VERY VERY MUCH @ccalde ! Running good now!!
Yes, your BIOS for UP board is updated.
Also, Is your Ubuntu version 16.04.3??
If not, you have to use that Ubuntu version desktop.Once you install your Ubuntu, try the following steps:
sudo apt update
sudo apt full-upgrade -y
sudo rebootAfter that, you can continue with the steps for the UP kernel:
https://wiki.up-community.org/Ubuntu#Install_Ubuntu_kernel_for_UP_from_PPAI will recommend skipping the step with
, rather edit the GRUB to make the UpBoard kernel default by following the link below.
https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Submenus#Setting_a_Submenu_entry_as_the_defaultsudo gedit /etc/default/grub
GRUB_DEFAULT="Advance options for Ubuntu>Ubuntu, with Linux 4.15.0-37-generic"next,
sudo update-grub reboot
Hi @hoejhl ,
Yes, that step is not mandatory.
Even, if the generic kernel version included in your Ubuntu is lower than 4.15.0-37 version, you would not need to modify your grub file, but always it's a good idea to save your changes. -
I am having this issue but I cant seem to get out of it. Ubuntu 18.04. Followed step by step for that version in their Wiki and after updating BIOS. But I keep getting the initramfs prompt
Any ideas ?
@jlathrop I'm getting the initramfs prompt as well. Were you able to resolve it?> @ccalde said:
Once you install your Ubuntu, try the following steps:
sudo apt update
sudo apt full-upgrade -y
sudo rebootAfter that, you can continue with the steps for the UP kernel:
https://wiki.up-community.org/Ubuntu#Install_Ubuntu_kernel_for_UP_from_PPAThis didn't make any difference at all. I'm still getting the initramfs prompt after following these steps and the ones in the wiki page.
Could you please provide the log from your console when you do all steps from Wiki instruction?