[Solved] Bricked UP Board

Hey Guys,
Was trying to upgrade the 2016 bios that comes default with the UP board(UP-CHT01-A10-0116) and followed the directions on the bios update wiki: https://wiki.up-community.org/Bios_Update.
I downloaded the 2018 bios zip ( UPC1DM11) on the following page:https://downloads.up-community.org/download/up-board-uefi-bios-upc1dm11/.
Per the directions on the wiki, you must run go_64.nsh for the up board at the prompt to begin the flashing. If you are using up squared, you run go.nsh. Unfortunately, the zip for the regular up board I downloaded had only go.nsh. So I assumed the wiki was out of date and that go.nsh took care of the differences between the up and up squared boards. But, after running go.nsh and the programming process completed, the board never restarted(looks like it is bricked). So I'm assuming the documentation is correct that you must run go_64.nsh, even though it is missing in the correct? zip I downloaded.
Is there another zip for the up board with go_64.nsh in it? I found the aforementioned zip via the link in the wiki. It appears UPC1DM11.zip is for the regular up board, and the link for up squared is UPA1AM33.zip. Or is the go.nsh correct for both boards and the wiki is wrong?
My motivation for flashing the board is that I'm trying to enable Intel debugging, and my understanding is that I need to enable DCI for that. DCI wasn't in the 2016 bios, and I saw that the option was included in the 2018 update for up squared, so I assumed it might have been applied to the bios update for the regular up board as well. No need to address that here though, I've created a seperate thread that covers my questions about enabling DCI.
Edit: formatted post (please do not start paragraphs with spaces)
RE: Flashing...
You performed the flash correctly. I did this tonight as well, using the same file and the same "GO.nsh" file on my older UP Board.
The only question related to that is, do you have a 1 GB ram board or 2/4 GB? Because that bios was for the 2/4 GB only boards.
RE: DCI investigation...
I posted a comment in your other thread: https://forum.up-community.org/discussion/3297/dci-bios-support
RE: Bricked board...
Mine took a few extra seconds to reboot; but, it did come back using that same flash. It is important to leave the power on even after the reboot after the flash, as there is some additional work being performed by the flash before it POSTs. Did you perhaps unplug it after it rebooted after the flash?
Eric Duncan - UP Evangelist - My thoughts are of my own free will
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Hey Eric,
Thanks for the timely response, looks like you found the issue, my UP Board only has 1GB of RAM.
So I'm assuming that there is no updated BIOS for 1GB boards as there is no link? Where do I find the link for the original BIOS bin so I can attempt to reflash it?
Also good to know that I have to wait some time for the BIOS to restart after it installs too.
Thanks for your help,
-Dylan -
@dpizzito said:
Hey Eric,Thanks for the timely response, looks like you found the issue, my UP Board only has 1GB of RAM.
So I'm assuming that there is no updated BIOS for 1GB boards as there is no link? Where do I find the link for the original BIOS bin so I can attempt to reflash it?
Also good to know that I have to wait some time for the BIOS to restart after it installs too.
Thanks for your help,
-DylanYes, there is an updated bios for 1GB.
Please note the description, where it says to pay attention to the included readme.txt as well.
Eric Duncan - UP Evangelist - My thoughts are of my own free will
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Ok, I see where you found it, needed to go to categories at the top.
Thanks a lot, now I just need to flash the bin and deal with the level conversion between the programmer and the flash chip.
I'll post if I find a way to access the DCI settings in the new BIOS, or if they are even there at all...