7" display not working on any distro (Ubuntu/Arch/Ubilinux)

Riccardo Lardi
New Member Posts: 1 ✭
in Peripherals
This is quite strange. During POST the display shows/mirrors the HDMI signal but as soon as Linux loads up the display stops working - Touches still get recognized though.
The weird thing is, the 10" display works just fine, so it's not an OS/driver issue.
Is the screen broken? If so how can I send it back to get a replacement/refund?
I'm having exactly the same issue with the 7'' LCD Touchscreen display from the UpShop store.
Since everything works fine before Linux boots up, it is likely not a HW issue but more an OS configuration.
If you are using any Linux distribution, please make sure you are using a kernel 4.14 or newer.