I have been trying to get a zigbee module to interface with the UPboard over SPI for some time.
I've had success across USB using the pySerial library and I am trying to convert my code to be used on SPI with the MRAA library and I have the error: "Spi bus can not be initialized".
I think my problem may be that the module is not enabled in the kernel as /dev/spidev0.0 does not appear. I've followed the instructions on the wiki page as well as the correction found here: https://forum.up-community.org/discussion/comment/8488#Comment_8488.
Before I start digging around the kernel I wanted to see if I've exhausted all my options to make spidev appear.
dev = mraa.Spi(0)
ValueError: Error initialising SPI bus
OS Version:
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
Are you using the Up-board kernel (find out with 'uname -r')?
I followed the instructions to reinstall the upboard kernel here: https://wiki.up-community.org/Ubuntu
when I run "uname -srv" it returns:
Linux 4.10.0-42-generic #5000~upboard11-Ubuntu SMPIt seems that reinstalling the kernel has worked. Thanks.
EDIT: How do I mark this as resolved?