Console UART settings

Hi, I've turned off any mention of the serial console in BIOS, but it still seems to be trying to do serial console. I have a device plugged into the UART on CN7, the device is turned on along with the Up Core at the same time, as they both share the same battery power. However when the Up Core gets to the BIOS screen, if this UART is plugged in then it acts as input and makes the OS selection screen cycle infinitely, so nothing boots.
How do I actually turn off the console at this pre-OS stage?
Any updates on this one?
I'm trying to use the UART on CN7 to interface with another device and am not able to disable it from being a debug console. Thus, the output from my serial sensor connected to ttyS0 ends up crashing the system as it is being used as debug input.
This thread ( has an administrator saying you can easily disable it but then no further comments on how to.
I have an UP core board that was recently purchased so I'm assuming the bios is the latest version.