Need Help : How to boot Linux OS from USB in Up squared board

I need to boot Linux OS from USB in Upsquared Board.
Can anyone please tell me the procedure ...
Thanks & Regards,
Mohit Gahlyan
grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot --removable
/boot是一个ESP分区 -
you can install gentoo linux
compile kernel & install grub to ESP partition, the ESP must be fat32 formatI don't speak English well, I'm sorry
thanks tonyvicky .
I will try gentoo linux and share the results.My criteria is :
Linux OS should not install on eMMC.
Linux OS should only boot from USB.I have one query :
Have you tried booting from gentoo Linux without installing it on eMMC ?Thanks & Regards,
Mohit Gahlyan -
yes, I tried booting gentoo from usb hardDisk on Intel-Joule,
I have a up-board,I will try it later.
Tell you the result tomorrow -
Hi tonyvicky,
I tried gentoo OS , but Up squared board did not boot.
Steps :
1. download gentoo OS from URL.
2. Change the boot order in Up squared BIOS for boot from USB.
3. Plug in the USB.
4. Restart the Up squared board.Please let me know if I am missing anything.
Thanks & Regards,
Mohit Gahlyan -
look at this video
Actually you only need one ESP and one root partition, then install grub to ESP
Hi @mohitgahlyan ,
Did you try to follow the Ubuntu instructions for UP2 board?!