The status of GPIO

After reading everything on the forum, wiki, download site, and ftp site it still looks as if the GPIO/I2C/I2S/ADC is not working perfectly for everyone.
This is a complete mess and I'd like to see if anyone has a way to get this working. I have 3 upboards and a core board. At one point I was able to get DIO working but using that same source/framework on another board for some reason just does not work or work as intended.
I've seen:
6 Versions of Aaeon Framework drivers/dlls for the 40Pin GP Bus
5 Different samples written in everything from c++ to visual basic
SDK with the pins mapped to the wrong port
The dropbox links are dead, the google drive links are dead, and there's been zero response regarding any in this area. Is this pretty much the death of GPIO for windows on the UpBoard?
We have the GPIO working the I2C and ADC and I2S not functional under Windows ... seems they work under Linux from what I readed in the forum.... what is so difficult under windows with it ???
I want to get an UP board because I need to use some windows-only applications, but I need to know that I can access the GPIO from a windows environment reliably. It seems that this is not the case and it is stopping me from purchasing the boards. Is there any update to this?
Many of the links in the forum posts I have followed are broken.
Is it possible to access the GPIO via python in windows on the up board?