120Gb M-SSD appear as 58Gb disk

New Member Posts: 3 ✭
On a new UP core I got, installing a mSSD led to get 58 GB in size instead of 120Gb.
If I put this hard disk on an USB-SATA converter and into a standard PC, it appears as 120Gb.
How can I fix this ?
Then how can I access to the BIOS settings ?
Where Can I find a complete documentation of the UP-CORE ?
Reply to myself : BIOS is DEL key
Indeed 120Gb SSD is not recognized - It is using eMMC disk indeed !
So I'll rephrase my question, is this device able to see a SDD disk in the extension board ? -
You did it?
What carrier board are you using with UP Core, can you share a picture?
Also please check if from the BIOS you selected SATA instead of PCIE for the MiniPCIe slot.