High signal on GPIO
New Member Posts: 1 ✭
I am using the UP Squared board with Windows 10 IoT and working on a C + + project that uses the input signal of a sensor, but it always stays high. Here's the sample code that displays the status of the pin, but shows only a high level. I am stuck at this for a few days and any help will be appreciated!
InitPin(); if (pin != nullptr) { timer_ = ref new DispatcherTimer(); TimeSpan interval; interval.Duration = 1000 * 1000 * 10; timer_->Interval = interval; timer_->Tick += ref new EventHandler<Object ^>(this, &MainPage::GetPinValue); timer_->Start(); }
void CaptureImage::MainPage::InitPin()
auto gpio = GpioController::GetDefault();
// Set up our GPIO pin for setting values. pin = gpio->OpenPin(LED_PIN); // Configure pin for input. pin->SetDriveMode(GpioPinDriveMode::Input);
void CaptureImage::MainPage::GetPinValue(Object ^sender, Platform::Object ^args)
pinValue = pin->Read();
SensorValue->Text = pinValue.ToString();
Best regards!