Carrier board reference guides

Good afternoon UP community!
I've been using the up^2 for a project I'm working on, but am really hoping to transition to the up core. In order to do this, I need to create a custom carrier board. I was hoping to use the reference designs, but in seeing they're being reworked, I'm wondering how long before we get access to the updated schematics and if there is a brief outline of the changes that are taking place?
The silence on this has unfortunately forced me to pursue other avenues for our hardware integration. I am rather disappointed with the lack of input from the team seeing as you're trying to foster a system intended for continued development. I look forward to seeing what is accomplished by you all here, but hope that in the future there is more of an effort to engage with the community.
we did the exact same thing.... waited and waited for support... migrated to Nvidia TX platform. got a small carrier board and were up and running super quickly. haven't looked back. #Sad. I really wanted to use the Up Squared. the new Udoo Bolt looks like a good candidate for for project with similar specs.