How to flash a Yocto generated image on eMMC

New Member Posts: 1 ✭
Considering these artefacts generated by the build done using Yocto:
- upboard-image-sato-up-board.ext4
- upboard-image-sato-up-board.hddimg
- upboard-image-sato-up-board.iso
- upboard-image-sato-up-board.manifest
- upboard-image-sato-up-board.qemuboot.conf
- upboard-image-sato-up-board.testdata.json
- upboard-image-sato-up-board.wic
How can I flash a the generated image on the eMMC?
I'd like to load the .wic directly. Is it possible and how?
Does exist any documentation about that?
Thank you
You can flash the upboard-image-sato-up-board.hddimg to a USB stick with dd or rufus (on Windows), and then using that USB stick to boot and/or install the image to eMMC.