
What are the signals being used on the mini-PCIe card-edge connector? UP AI Core is communicating to the host processor solely via PCIe only? Or is a mixture of PCIe and USB communication buses?
Best Answer
For AI Core, we are using PCIe signal now.
We also made an experiment that it is possible to use USB signal on PCIe slot to run AI Core, then answer is positive. However, this would be a custom version AI Core for ODM project.
Hello, Can you provide the environmental/temp/vibe spec's of the Mini-PCIe board and embedded long term availability ? Perhaps ETA for Windows support?
Hi! Can I ask, there is a chance to access the USB lines on the AI Core board? (Pads/Pins on the PCB or on a passive pin?)
I just need for prototype testing (but it is very important), we will work with mPCIe in the near future...