UP2 + Adafruit HAT on Win10

mhejda New Member Posts: 1
edited April 2018 in UP Squared Windows

Hello everyone,

first of all, thank you for making the UP2 - in terms of performance, it's a real beast.

I have the Adafruit Stepper Motor HAT controller, controlling some motors from Python on a Raspberry Pi. Now, I would like to port the whole functionality to my Upboard2 with Windows 10. I'm fairly new to all this stuff (the RPi controls are made by someone else, I just try to transfer it).

I understand that the GPIO layout is the same as on RPi, which should make things easier. I tried to follow the manual on this page, but the GitHub repo is dead.
I tried to install the RPi.GPIO ported for Upboard from this page, but I can't get over the installation, getting issues in the C build process on Win (maybe it's only for Linux)?

I also downloaded the last HiSafe software (which was recommended here few times in the previous posts), but I'm not sure how it should help. The DIO controls throw lots of 'cant read value' errors - maybe it has to be first allowed in BIOS...?

Anyone who got the Adafruit HAT working with Python on Win and can give a helping hand?
Thank you very much in advance!

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