OS installation on SATA disks ?

Hello to All,
I have got following questions concerning Windows installation on Up Square (UPS-C2-A10-0432):
Would it be possible to make an installation from DVD reader with Windows 10 Pro / or Windows 7 Pro installation disk to SSD or classic HD disk attached to UP Square via mSata ? And then to force the UP Square to boot up from the hard disk with OS installed (in previous step) attached to mSATA ?
Many thanks,
Hi invis,
Would it be possible to make an installation from DVD reader with Windows 10 Pro / or Windows 7 Pro installation disk to SSD or classic HD disk attached to UP Square via mSata ? And then to force the UP Square to boot up from the hard disk with OS installed
You will find that DVD reader in BIOS boot menu if you plug in your DVD reader to UP^2. Regarding to SSD/HDD, you can install Windwos 10 to SDD or HDD from SATA & mSATA port, and change boot order from BIOS.
Note, UP Squared is not supported for windows 7BIOS Boot menu - BUFFALO Optical Drive (DVD Reader)
Bios settings for mSATA