looking for new pointer to a lost link? any pointers anyone

looking the the tread
Seems every link that looks like it could be useful leads straight to a 404 page. Seems the message that boards like the Up live or die based on community is a bit lost on UP
Hi @TooBarFoo,
Yeah most old URLs were broken in this migration. I will try to ping someone about this again.
The thread is now at:
https://forum.up-community.org/discussion/1099/modified-python-rpi-gpio-libraryAnd the wiki page at:
https://wiki.up-community.org/RPi.GPIOThe modified RPi.GPIO library sources are available at:
https://github.com/emutex/RPi.GPIO -
thanks for the pointers, but i think my main point stands. I know the 4 or 500 boards we would use throughout our product phase is not many in relation to your main business for me, who selected to the Up board, it is really an embarrassment when every single project meeting when a problem is raised and someone asks if they checked the forums the answer is "no information, just broken links" It reflects badly on my judgement. Anyway, thanks for the links