Both Realtek and Up-wireless dongle (LB-Link) will not maintain a connection

I have two Up boards with ubilinux. I have tried the Realtek and the UP-Store wireless dongle. Both exhibit the same problem. They will both show a connection as per Connman, but will not transmit or receive data after a very short period (2 minutes). I have to use connman to disconnect the wireless, then re-connec it. It works for 2 minutes then drops the service.
Anyone else have this problem?
Hi CliffR,
Could you please PM me the output of this troubleshooting script (while the dongle is plugged in)? -
Thanks for looking at this.
Very important to my company.
Cliff -
Not sure why I did not get an email notification of your response. I would have answered immediately. I'll make sure profile is correct.
I am on another network now and am not experiencing drops. Possibly the wifi is stable on secure networks (password auth). The previous network with the wifi dropping had no security.
I did a fresh install of ubilinux with update and upgrade on UpBoard. The wifi adapter still fails after a short period of time and needs to be restarted with Conman. This is a serious issue. Attached is the debug log as requested. I did get an error from the debug script but do not know if it is important: tail: cannot open '/sys/kernel/debug/regmap/AA/' for reading: No such file or directory
I had to restart the wifi during this comment.....
Please assist. Thank you,
Cliff -
ENet interface does not fail. A continuous ping from the board to my router will keep the wifi connection alive. Shorty after stopping the ping, or after no activity on FireFox, the wifi will die. I have to restart in Conman. About 30% of the received packets are discarded. I turned off power saving using the desktop tool, I'm not sure how to verify, as it still goes into screen saver.
OK, I have a solution. I am on ubilinux on the UpBoard. DO NOT use a Realtek or the UPBoard store wireless dongle. They will drop connections on some networks. I tested several other dongles, and the "Panda Wireless Mini Wifi N USB Adapter" works!! It is plug and play, no drives to install.