Why S.USV UPS does not charge its 300 mAh LiPo battery?

After installing the UPS (EP-UPSUSVUPSHAT) on UP BOARD SQUARED as described in the manual, at power up the UPS LEDs are in the following state:
From the state of the LEDs it seems that UPS does not detect the battery,
in fact if I remove power from the UP Board, it switches off instantly.
I checked the voltage of the 300 mA LiPo battery and it's 3V.
In the photo I show the status of the LEDs
What could be the problem?
Best Answer
Any Lipo that is down to 3v would be better referred to as a ex-battery. I have not looked at the UPS but any lipo charging circuit worth its salt would not try and recharge a battery that low due to fire risk. Really you want to stay above 3.7 and bin if it drops below 3.5. You could try and trickle the battery at something 0.1A for a few minutes to bring it up but it will always remain dangerous. I'd say do your self a favor and replace the battery
I'm afraid the UPS module is damaged.
The voltage of the battery not connected to the UPS is 3V, when the battery is connected to the UPS the voltage is 0V.
So it is as if the UPS is in short circuit.