Powering UP Board Through 40-Pin

I am looking into using the UP Board (UP-CHT01-A10-0464) and I have a question about powering the device:
I would like to power the device (+5V) through the 40-pin connector, but it appears that there may be a polyfuse in series to the rest of the board. Is it possible to get a schematic of the power circuit or a description of the power circuit? And, if there is a polyfuse, would it be possible to get a part number?
You can power the UP board directly from the 40 pins on the 5V and 3.3V, you can supply 1A to each pin, there is no polyfuse designed.
A question regarding this.. is this also true for the upSquared?
I know this thread is old, but I was wondering, can more than 1A be supplied through the pin? Is the pin connected directly to the 5V supply or is there something in between?