Ubuntu Bluetooth [SOLVED]

Peter Berbec
New Member Posts: 17 ✭
I've gotten the wifi to work, but bluetooth is eluding me.
I'm following the PDF instructions. I'm instructed to
Attach the bluetoth serial device via UART HCI
$ sudo hciattach /dev/ttySX bcm43xx
X is your UART port number that connect to Bluetooth module
which UART am I supposed to use? There's 31 of them!
I'm following the PDF instructions. I'm instructed to
Attach the bluetoth serial device via UART HCI
$ sudo hciattach /dev/ttySX bcm43xx
X is your UART port number that connect to Bluetooth module
which UART am I supposed to use? There's 31 of them!
Best Answer
First, download the bluetooth drivers. I have attached them to this post. The filename is:
Unzip the drivers.
[pre]unzip ap6214a_bt_driver.zip[/pre]
Make an /etc/firmare directory.
[pre]sudo mkdir /etc/firmware[/pre]
Copy the firmware file to /etc/firmware.
[pre]sudo cp ap6214a_bt_driver/firmware/BCM43430A1.hcd /etc/firmware/[/pre]
[pre]sudo reboot[/pre]
Run the included bluetooth reset command
[pre]sudo bash ap6214a_bt_driver/UP_Core_BT_RST.sh[/pre]
Now, we need to find the tty that BT is connected to. Mine is 5, but I'm not sure that is a constant. It should be, but lets find out. Post your tty number in this thread. Then this step could prove unnecessary.
Unzip the test script.
[pre]unzip bluetooth_tty_test.zip[/pre]
Run the script.
[pre]sudo bash bluetooth_tty_test.sh[/pre]
If all goes well, the last line will be [pre]Success! tty is /dev/ttyS___[/pre] Remember this.
You should now be able to go into bluetooth settings, but this will only work until reboot. So we are going to add these commands to our startup script.
Unzip the rc script.
[pre]unzip bluetooth_rc_local.zip[/pre]
The script has the TTY number as a variable on the first line. If you need to, change it to yours from above. Check if your system currently has an [pre]/etc/rc.local[/pre] file. If it does, remove the last line, which will be [pre]exit 0[/pre], and copy the contents of my script to the end.
If you do not, copy my rc.local file into your /etc directory and make it executable.
[pre]sudo cp rc.local /etc[/pre]
[pre]sudo chmod +x /etc/rc.local[/pre]
Reboot and you should have bluetooth connectivity once your system comes up.
Disclosure: I'm not using 16.04. It seems to be a fairly forward-compatible
I just got my Up Core. I installed Ubuntu16.04, installed the drivers for WiFi, but Bluetooth is not being recognized.
I did a quick search here in the Forum, it seems people have problem with Win10, I did not see anyone complaining about Ubuntu16.04 not seeing the Bluetooth.
If I plug a USB dongle that has Bluetooth it works immediately.
Is there a separate Linux driver for the Core bluetooth?
Do I need to enable it at the BIOS? I did not see the option there.
Thank you,
-Jack -
Found it!
Set Controller UART speed to 3000000 bit/s
Flash firmware /etc/firmware/BCM43430A1.hcd
Set Controller UART speed to 3000000 bit/s
Device setup complete
. Success![/pre]
If this doesn't work for everyone, I made a batch file to test all the ttySs:
for i in $(ls /dev/ttyS*)
hciattach $i bcm43xx
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
echo "$1. Success!"
(I don't know why the BBcode pre isn't keeping tabs. sorry) -
hi, you are using the UP-3GHAT01? can you use com1 to connect to a remote terminal via serial console?