some trouble with GPIO

New Member Posts: 3
I have some troubles with the gpio´s. Especially while reading Inputs.

I don´t get a save signal on the Inputs. I do have an external I/O-Board with Pull-down Resistor (also tried PULL-up).
While reading the Inputs, I get some signals for milliseconds although there is nothing connected to the I/O-Board.

Especially when the CPU is more occupied there are a lot more wrong signals. For me it seems like the Inputs of the UP-Board are not stable.

Does anybody else have these problems?

Please help me with this issue.



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  • Emutex Posts: 131 mod
    Hi Philip
    please describe better your setup/post a schematic/photo of it.

    Nicola Lunghi
  • New Member Posts: 3
    Hi Nicola,

    there is Windows 10 Enterprise installed.
    I used the 3.3V Power of Pin1 to run the external I/O-Board and also GND of PIN6.
    I´m using GPIO 4/17/27/22/6/13/19/26 declared as Inputs as see in the schematic.

    I used the same I/O-Board on a Ra-Pi and there was everthing fine.

    My first thought were about some currents on the UP- curcuit board. Is there a possibilty of that or maybe the driver vor the GPIO-Pinout?

  • Emutex Posts: 131 mod
    can you do a quick check to see if using PULL-UP instead of pull-down resistor you have issue?
    Also double check that you have proper capacitor on the ground/power supply lines of your board.
    Another thing: the Up board is not running Linux?
    Nicola Lunghi
  • Emutex Posts: 131 mod
    Also a stronger pull up/down could help (3.3k?1K?)
  • New Member Posts: 3
    I tried the same with pull-up resistors. Then the unstable signal is just turned around.
    So always when there is a zero-signal on Input I get some peaks on the input.

    There is Windows 10 running on the UP-Board.
    I will check that with the capacitor later on .


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