Generic eDP display

Maciej New Member Posts: 2
Hi there,

has anyone succed on connecting any eDP display to UpBoard runing windows 10?

I'm trying to connect NT156WHM-N32 panel (single lane, 1366x768) to UpBoard, but it doesn't seem to work.
(in BIOS->North Bridge Panel Support set to Enabled, and Panel Type to eDP)

In Intel HD Graphics Control Panel-> Multiple Displays only Signle Display Mode is available.

I succesfully managed to connected this panel directly to displayport on my desktop computer
so panel is working fine.



  • rogertsai(AAEON)
    rogertsai(AAEON) New Member Posts: 350 ✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
    Hi hrabioz

    You can find some information about eDP port as below
    eDP - ralated discussion on the Forum
    Please note the following two things very carefully
    [li]CN31 to edp adapter[/li]
    [li]BIOS setting to enabled Panel Support, and panel type to eDP[/li]
  • Maciej
    Maciej New Member Posts: 2
    Hi roger1tsai,

    Thanks for your semi-answer.
    I already visited this thread (and others related to eDP too) but found no answer to my question.

    Is it possible to connect generic eDP panel (in my case NT156WHM-N32 ) to UpBoard and make it working
    or does it require any firmware modifications?

    Which BIOS settings need to be changed to make it working?
    I really tried playing with Chipset->NorthBridge after this failed, tried to set NorthBridge through CRB but
    this failed as well.

  • Bobbyrob
    Bobbyrob New Member Posts: 6

    I am also trying to find more information on the UP board's eDP configuration, the link below in the previous message does not lead to more information:

    @rogertsai(AAEON) said:
    Hi hrabioz

    You can find some information about eDP port as below
    eDP - ralated discussion on the Forum
    Please note the following two things very carefully
    [li]CN31 to edp adapter[/li]
    [li]BIOS setting to enabled Panel Support, and panel type to eDP[/li]

    Can someone at UP please link to documentation that answers these questions:

    1. What is the exact connector type used for eDP connection on UP boards.

    2. What is the exact pin configuration (diagram) used for eDP connection on UP boards with eDP connector?

    3. If there is an unusual connector type, e.g., 41 or 31 pin connector, please link to where this connector can be purchased for conversion to normal 30 or 40 pin type eDP connector.

    4. I do not see an eDP screen for sale in the UP shop. Is there currently any approved 3rd party screen I can use if you no longer sell an internal eDP touchscreen display?


  • camillus
    camillus AAEON Posts: 188 mod

    Hi @Bobbyrob ,

    I already linked the documentation about connector description to your previous question on other thread. Link to documentation
    No it is not unusual, it is 40 Pin connector. I will check internally about eDP screen and get back to you.

  • Bobbyrob
    Bobbyrob New Member Posts: 6

    Dear @camillus thank you for your reply.

    I think the confusion is that the documentation shows 41 pin assignments, and the connector itself indicates that there are 41 pins.

    Indeed, in the BRD file attached at the end of this GitHub post there is an Up board connector with uses 41 pins (see bottom edge for Up board connection):

    My question is where do I find either a breakout board or conversion adapter so I can connect a normal 40 pin cable to this 41 pin eDP connection port on the Up Board? If I am mistaken, can you please clarify how a 40 pin eDP cable will fit into this 41 pin Up board connector?

    Thank you kindly.

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