UPS hat not powering Up2 when mains power is cut

Found my box from the UPS board, and thus the URL to the manufacturer's web site for the UPS board: The manual can be found under the Downloads link, and as a pdf attached to this post. LED indicator function is explained in the manual. For those running Ubilinux, a link to the client software download can be found there as well. Software configuration for the UPS board is explained in the manual.
AAEON definitely needs to add these links - or at least a link to the manufacturer's web site - to the Up-store page for this product. Frankly, the video linked from the Up-store page is marketing, but not informative. The manual is thorough. Would have saved me time and frustration to have the manual available up front.
My concern now turns to Win 10 support. I do not find any reference to Windows on the Up-store page, on the manufacturer's web pages for this product, or in the manual. Nothing says it will not work. It's just not mentioned. The UPS board is, however, described as "plug and play" and "ideal for all Up boards". Since Up supports Windows 10 and Ubilinux, I would expect both OS to be supported unless stated otherwise.
AAEON, what gives? -
I am in contact with the UPS board manufacturer. They inform me that bugs in the Up2 Windows 10 I2C driver prevent this product from working with Windows 10. I have requested specifics and will post such upon receipt.
Follow up from the UPS board maker indicates that they are hoping to make progress on and possibly resolve the Windows 10 driver bug that currently prevents the UPS board from working with that OS. As previously mentioned, this bug is in the I2C driver. I infer from their email that this is a joint effort with Up. I will post info as I receive further updates - hopefully good news soon, as I'm looking forward to being plug-independent with my Up2 system!!
Hi Nexusnet,
I bought the s-usv UPS board too, and I am running windows 10. I have my unit fitted in my car and powered through my ignition, unfortunately that also means that when I switch off my car it instantly kills my Up Board power. I now have to go through a very manual process of shutting down the unit before I am able to switch off my ignition. I was wondering if you had any more news on the fix? I am really hoping that this fix comes soon, as I have already had many issues created from improper shut downs in windows. It would be nice to have a system that starts and shuts down autonomously (especially considering that's what I have paid for). Anyway, I'm just keen for any feedback you might have come across. -
Hi @MacNastard,
The UPS board maker tells me that the fix has been found/implemented. Fixing the I2C bug requires a BIOS update to the Up2. AAEON/Emutex have a ~3 week validation cycle for BIOS changes. I understand that validation started 1-2 weeks ago, so I am hopeful that the fix will be published in the next 1-2 weeks. -
It is encouraging to see that they are keeping on top of things, and are trying hard to make their existing products as 'solid' as possible.
Looking forward to the next BIOS update! -
Hi Nexusnet,
Have you heard anything more on this issue as I am no longer getting any replies to my messages. I was assured that it would be 2-3 weeks and that was 5 weeks ago. Let me know if you have any updates from them. Thanks. -
I've had an inquiry into the UPS board manufacturer for a couple of weeks now. Have not heard back. I've examined the most recent bios update, but believe that the release date on that is too early to include the Win 10 driver BIOS fix. I will post when I receive a reply from the vendor.
Like you, I had hoped that the BIOS 'upgrade' posted today, would in fact be the one you (and many others also) are waiting for, rather than just a re-release of version 2.1
Let's hope that they don't take too much longer to resolve this one, so that we can move forward again. -
Hello Nexusnet,
I managed to get some feedback on the Bios release, here is the message I just received from them now:
Hello Michael,
Thanks for contacting us. I already forwarded your message to the relevant person within AAEON.
Unfortunately some delays on the BIOS release for UP Core impacted the release of the new BIOS for UP Board.
AAEON is currently working on the BIOS update for the I/O on Windows and before the end of the week they are going to provide an updated release date.
Best Regards,
So it looks like the wait will shortly be over. Let's all hold thumbs. -
I almost started to get excited when I saw the reply you had received, but when I read it in more detail, I see that what we are (hopefully) going to receive by the end of this week is a just an "updated release date" rather than the actual BIOS itself.
Now that they are working towards a 'common' BIOS, I am hoping that the next release will also include the necessary I/O on Windows for the UP Squared board, as I know are more than a few others who are anxious to receive this as well.
Thumbs held, and fingers tightly crossed then also! -
Unfortunately all we can do is wait, but I must admit, getting a reply means so much. Nothing worse than guessing and not having anyone respond. I believe their standard turn around time is 3 weeks, so let's hope that worst case is 1 week to notify us followed by 3 weeks to deploy. That means 4 weeks left to wait. And that should be worst case.
I heard back from Christian Olma, the UPS board maker. He says: "We had serious discussion this morning... the problem has been solved by new BIOS. but we need Emutex to verify if it impact their Linux OS.. we hope we can post new BIOS in 1-2 weeks." I believe that the holdup has been Emutex, as Christian's email to me several weeks ago indicated that the bug had been fixed at that time and was awaiting BIOS verification.
One of the moderators on this form is from Emutex - does anyone know how to reach him to bring this thread/issue to his attention? I will need to search to find his username.
I am eager to get this resolved, as it is delaying my ability to make my Up2 a fully mobile Windows machine. I use it as a daily work machine, but must shut down every time I move from place to place. Pain in the you-know-what!
Robert -
Hi Robert,
Daniele Cleri is from Emutex, and he has been responsible for a number of the 'Announcements' on here, where his User Name is 'dcleri', and he is certainly a Forum Moderator, and possibly also the Site Administrator.
He is the Project Manager at Emutex, who are based in Limerick in Ireland, and an email to '' would probably reach him, although I am sure that he will also have a direct email address.
It was of course a direct reply from him which Michael (MacNastard) posted in red in an earlier post, in this thread.
Hope this helps! -
Thank you Montala
MacNastard wrote:Thank you Montala
Sorry... I have just realised that I called you Robert, to whom I was replying, instead of Michael (which I have now corrected!), as if we weren't all confused enough already! -
No Problem at all
Hello everyone,
i am using Ubilinux on my UP-Squared and can not make use of the UPS. The Problems also seems to lay in the I2C communication, could this also be a result of the bug in the BIOS or am I the only one experiencing this (and doing something wrong)? -
Based on this being a BIOS issue, I think it would impact any OS. I am remiss in chasing up D Cleri of Emutex to status the release testing. Busy time at work here. Hope to follow up later next week.
Got the same problem. I'm building a car pc with my up squared and need the s.usv to do a proper power off when the car is turned off. Subscribing to this thread.
Finally had time to email Daniele Cleri @ Emutex asking for status on this bug fix. Will post once I hear from him.
I've received several "retry timeout exceeded" mail delivery failures to On the last try, I cc'd Info@ hasn't errored out as yet. Hopefully my email will reach Daniele. If anyone has an alternate support address, please let me know. Tx.
I emailed D Cleri @ Emutex a few weeks ago. Have not received any reply. Can someone from the AAEON team please check the status of this BIOS fix/release?
I have not received further info from either EMutex / AAEON or from the board manufacturer. At this time, I still only find client and driver software for Ubilinux. I have the latest bios (3.3) installed on my Up2, but can confirm that the UPS board does not work - i.e. machine dies when power plug is removed even though the LEDs on the UPS board suggest it is in an operational state.
Hi Robert, any news on this issue? Wishing I read all this before purchasing.
Hi Roland,
Despite multiple contacts, I have not heard from AAEON / Emutex or the board's manufacturer Olmatic in many months. Just checked Olmatic's web site this morning, and I find even less information about drivers / software than I recall finding months ago. I have never been able to track down drivers or software for Windows 10, and the promised BIOS bug fix hasn't materialized.
I reviewed the USV unfavorably on the Up-shop (specifying lack of Windows 10 drivers / software), but my review never was posted. I am concerned that folks continue to purchase what appears to be an unsupported hardware product. I'm also frustrated that my Up2 continues to be a desktop rather than the portable that I had expected. Even USB-C PD support would make this a kick-butt mobile workstation, but carrying around a 6A brick and looking for wall sockets just isn't viable in this age of smartphones and tablets.
We encountered similar issues when trying to get the UP board and UPS to work properly together (both ublinux and Windows 10).
Here's our experience: -
Any news on this issue? Is the bios corrected? Can we already use it with windows 10 and up square?
Does anyone know if the ups will fit inside the chassis? -
I'm curious about this, how does the UPS hat function, is it necessary to have software/firmware that interfaces with the board across I2C in the OS to work?
Does it work out of the box as an UPS if it is just plugged into the board and main power is cut to the board? Or does it still crash as was originally mentioned in this thread?
Do drivers have to be built in order to use this hat on a distribution other than ubilinux?
the UPS module has been designed so that the system is able to supply the entire system with the battery in the event of a failure of the primary power source even without firmware or software - for this purpose, the input power is continuously checked and analyzed. Without the use of firm or software packages, the system is operated by battery until a primary power source is recognized again, or the remaining capacity of the battery is <15% and the system is shut down automatically.
Our modules, including their software and firmware packages, are generally compatible with all Linux distributions - for other operating systems such as Windows, since there are no compatible drivers yet, we recommend adapting our I2C API, which contains all relevant parameters. The registers are described in detail in our manual. In addition, the S.USV daemon process should be adapted accordingly, which is responsible for the initialization and monitoring of the system:
At the start
a. Send command 0x44 to UPS (initialization command)
b. Define GPIO pin13 as input
c. A successful initialization after these commands is indicated by the fact that the PSUGN stops flashing and stays onLoss of primary voltage source
a. Define GPIO pin 13 as output
b. Set GPIO pin 13 HIGH
c. Send command 0x43 to UPS (signaling that GPIO has beenset)Return of primary power source before shutdown
a. Send command 0x44 to UPS (signaling that GPIO is set)
b. Define GPIO pin 13 as input
c. Send command 0x34 to UPS (signaling, primary power sourceactive)Shutdown of any kind
a. Define GPIO pin 13 as output if you have not already done so
b. Set GPIO pin 13 HIGH
c. Send command 0x43 to UPS (signaling that GPIO has beenset)
d. Send command 0x49 to UPS (signaling that shutdown isinitiated)
e. Shutdown of the system
If you need further assistance or if there is any hardware defect as described, please contact us at
We always try to give you our best support!Thank you very much