Kodi 17.4 for the UP?

New Member Posts: 4 ✭
Hello sorry for my enlish,
where can I find a version of Kodi (newer than 17) for my UP? I can not find anything for days. Backports fail (broken dependenties) SID fails to (it install 17.3 but this run not proper (the Gear-symbol for system-settings is missing)). I can't compile it self, ./configure bring so many Errors (libarys wrong version, ffmpeg wrong version, libav he will not use etc.).
Thank's for reading my poor english. ;-)
where can I find a version of Kodi (newer than 17) for my UP? I can not find anything for days. Backports fail (broken dependenties) SID fails to (it install 17.3 but this run not proper (the Gear-symbol for system-settings is missing)). I can't compile it self, ./configure bring so many Errors (libarys wrong version, ffmpeg wrong version, libav he will not use etc.).
Thank's for reading my poor english. ;-)
Unfortunately on ubilinux 3.0 you won't be able to get a newer version.
We are planning to release the new ubilinux 4.0 (based on Debian Stretch) by the first week of September.
You will be able to install kodi 17.1 directly from the official Debian repositories.
Alternatively you can install Ubuntu 16.04 (or one of its derivatives) and use the official repository from the Kodi Team that will enable you to install the latest stable version: http://kodi.wiki/view/HOW-TO:Install_Kodi_for_Linux#Installing_Kodi_on_Ubuntu-based_distributions
If you decide to switch to Ubuntu, please make sure you read our tutorial to install the UP specific kernel: https://up-community.org/wiki/Ubuntu#Ubuntu_16.04.1_LTS_.28Xenial_Xerus.29 -
Thank you for a quick reply. In this case I will wait until the release in September.
How can i update my Uilinux. I have downloaded an updated the Bios to the last Release. I have downloadet the upgrade ISO from the Download-Section and have writen it to any USB-Stick. I press F7 when the UP starts and see a select menu. Upgrade, Upgrade (interactive), and much more. Every Selection ends in a Kernelpanic and the system freeze.
Is the ISO is broken or am I too stupid?
Sorry for my english.