Labview R/W DIO

Jason Cheng
New Member Posts: 5 ✭
I installed windows on the UP Board and used Labview to develop the program, now I need to R/W the UP Board DIO, but only find the C++ or C# SDK on the internet, Labview how to R/W UP Board DIO?
I installed windows on the UP Board and used Labview to develop the program, now I need to R/W the UP Board DIO, but only find the C++ or C# SDK on the internet, Labview how to R/W UP Board DIO?
You are probably going to have to write your own DLL in C, this guide might help: -
Can you post the link to the C# SDK that you found?
I can try to make a quick LabVIEW API to help out.
The Captain Was Here -
The SDK link as follows:
Please find it. -
This would be of great interest to me as well. I feel like UP could be a great way to learn LabView without having to buy a daq board. Of course you still have to have a license for labview, but many colleges have site licenses anyway. Only thing you would need besides dio would be access to i2c for a raspberry pi adc/dac board. Have tgey gotten the i2c working in windows yet?
Labview is a very handy development tool and I also like to use it. But on the UP Board, there are very few resources about Labview.
I bought NI sbRIO and used Labview to develop some automation equipment, but you know that NI's hardware is expensive, and some case do not need to use so expensive equipment, so I turn to use some of the Windows-based development board, such as "Up Board", "Latte Panda". Raspberry pie can not directly run Windows' Labview, so I gave it up.
I use DIO because I have some sensors, they are digital IO (Sourcing PNP, Sinking NPN output). When the sensor is triggered, the program through the DIO on the board to run the corresponding program. The DIO on Development board, I was the first time to use them, search for some information, but the resources are really very little, so I do not know how to start. -
Also on I2C, I remember when I installed Real-time and FPGA driver, there is a related driver, but I have not used.