OpenMediaVault on UP (Squared)?

Ken Ken
New Member Posts: 7 ✭
Is it possible to install OpenMediaVault, which is based on Debian jessie, on UP Board or UP Squared? I heard rumors that Debian cannot be installed on eMMC storages. Or I just install ubilinux and install OpenMediaVault packages afterwords? If this works, then I can build the world's most cost-effective NAS server.
The kernel available on Debian Jessie is too old for UP Board or UP Squared.
Last year we released ubilinux 3.0 based on Debian Jessie for UP Board where you can install any package available on Debian Jessie repository while using a much more recent 4.4 kernel customised for this SBC.
For UP Squared I am afraid you would need to install Debian 9 Stretch or newer. We are going to release an updated ubilinux 4.0 later this week based on Debian 9 Stretch.
Unfortunately OMV3 cannot be used on Debian 9 and you might need to use the testing version for OMV4 or await for the final version to be released. -
How about if I don't make use of the on board eMMC, I install OpenMediaVault on a tiny 16GB USB device and boot the board using it, will it work?
It might work but still you have an old kernel and you might miss some important features/updates that are useful for a new chip like the one available on the UP Squared.
So are there any suggestions for NAS solutions on UP board or UP Squared?