windows sleep mode

C:\Windows\system32>powercfg -a The following sleep states are available on this system: Standby (S0 Low Power Idle) Network Connected Fast Startup The following sleep states are not available on this system: Standby (S1) The system firmware does not support this standby state. This standby state is disabled when S0 low power idle is supported. Standby (S2) The system firmware does not support this standby state. This standby state is disabled when S0 low power idle is supported. Standby (S3) The system firmware does not support this standby state. This standby state is disabled when S0 low power idle is supported. Hibernate The hiberfile type does not support hibernation. Hybrid Sleep Standby (S3) is not available. Hibernation is not available.
Is this possible to enable S3 mode?
Maybe should I change something in BIOS?
I've tried but with no luck...
What you see is correct. The "Cherry Trail" SoC uses a new power state called S0i3 instead of S3. -
Sorry for necrobumping but the HW hasn't changed and this is exactly with what I have started.
I stumbled over this while I tried to figure out how I can send the UpBoard to sleep with a .bat. I have the exact same output, just with hibernation disabled (powercfg -h off, but I tried it also with it enabled). I tried the most used methods I can find:A.) rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState 0,1,0
B.) psshutdown -nobanner -d -t 0
(both tried with Admin and User CMDs)rundll32 just does nothing and psshutdown says "Error shutting down system: The request is not supported." (just in German on my system;).
But when I click "Sleep" in the the board goes to sleep. And, after I enabled "Allow wake timers", it also wakes up from a scheduled task. So it seems that Win. has the ability to work with the board, just the commandline hasn't!?
Do you know if it has something to do with the renaming of the power state? Can you replicate it or have an suggestion how I have to do it right?
Further information that may help:
BIOS (UPC1DM17) is on default settings, just the "Console Redirection" ist disabled.
OS: Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB
UpBoard: UpBoard 4GB/32GB Passiv (It's an older HW revison, S/N starts with C18)