RS-232 COM port?

Michael Miller
New Member Posts: 95 ✭
in Peripherals
I was wondering if there was any way to implement an RS-232 compatible port on the UP that would show up as a COM port in windows? I am interested in possibly using the UP as a field programming unit for PLC's and many still use RS-232. I realize I would need hardware to level shift, but on the soft end would it be possible?
Search for "rs232 usb" on eBay and you'll have plenty of choices to choose from.
I have one of those, the problem is that some serial devices don't play nice with them. Laptops with native serial ports are non existant anymore. This was just something that crossed my mind and thought I would ask.
Well, I would try one that uses a different chip, then. Not all of them are created equal and where one doesn't work, another one might. The thing is, it's both easier and cheaper to just buy a ready-made item like that from a Chinaman than it is to create a custom TTL-to-RS232 adapter yourself.