No HDMI CEC on Up Board 4G/64 any possibilities for infrared sensor?

Martin Borghoff
New Member Posts: 2 ✭
I bought in 2015 the Odroid XU4 and hardkernel made it possible to add an infrared sensor
by selling LCD display board. I bought that one as a pack with the "XU4 cloudshell"
I have a couple of questions raised:
1. Therefor I was wondering if there is a slight possibility to add any infrared sensor on the up board?
2. other device that can be connected by usb or on the gpio pins that can be used for infrared?
UP Board 4G/64
UP fanless chassis
I bought in 2015 the Odroid XU4 and hardkernel made it possible to add an infrared sensor
by selling LCD display board. I bought that one as a pack with the "XU4 cloudshell"
I have a couple of questions raised:
1. Therefor I was wondering if there is a slight possibility to add any infrared sensor on the up board?
2. other device that can be connected by usb or on the gpio pins that can be used for infrared?
UP Board 4G/64
UP fanless chassis