Kodi Crash on video issue

Mircea Bogdan
New Member Posts: 15 ✭
I have installed Kodi media player on my up board (4gb Ram version).
Ubilinux is up to date, no more problems there ( old issue of read-only emmc state seems solved).
My problem now is that Kodi will randomly crash while trying to play a video. In the generated crash log I can't find any clues about what is going on. Are there any specific settings I should be aware of ?
Ubilinux is up to date, no more problems there ( old issue of read-only emmc state seems solved).
My problem now is that Kodi will randomly crash while trying to play a video. In the generated crash log I can't find any clues about what is going on. Are there any specific settings I should be aware of ?
update: I run the same set-up on a Raspberry board, it has never crashed.
On upboard it will run for a few hours (2-8h), then crash. I tried other upBoards, same problem.
I tried same setup on Ubuntu 14 and it crashed here too.
I have uploaded this crashlog, maybe someone can debug the problem
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BztWJzERiuxUNEUxbWc1UGVtV2M/view -
Hi mirceaciu,
Which Kodi version (and from what source) are you running on ubilinux?
Which video are causing the crashes? Encoded format information might be useful. -
I've installed Kodi 16, from team-xbmc's repo, trough apt-get, as documente here http://kodi.wiki/view/HOW-TO:Install_Kodi_for_Linux
Videos are encoded in h264. Thing is I am running my own addon in which I'm playing and saving run times for videos in a MariaDb database. First I though that there might be a problem with the database, but I monitored it and I haven't observed any memory leaks. I will try running the procedure without accessing MariaDb, see if Kodi still crashes. -
I removed MariaBd from the equation, Kodi still crashed. I will make Kodi run a video over and over again, see what happens then
update: I made Kodi play over and over the same video. It only lasted 4 hours before it crashed
What are the temps at the point of crashing?
I'll write some code to log temperatures