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Power Button for up board

Ken Ken
New Member Posts: 7 ✭
Can I put a power button for use on up-board? If so, which one should I use? Tactile or alternate on/off?
We do have a power pin connector CN33 ( check "download" section for connector description)on the UP board, you shoud be able to find 2pin power switch in the market.
I don´t understand this power pin connector.
I connect there a 5V power supply with a latching switch between? So i don´t need the DC jack an the power button SW1? -
Hi Retro-Emulation,
That pin is only for the power button, not to power the board.
If you don't want to use the DC jack you can use the 5V input pin as you would do with a Raspberry Pi.
Check out the pinout from our wiki for more info: -
So its an momentary switch and not a latching switch?
Hi..i am new user here. I think a power pin connector CN33 is not there on the UP boardA total of 28 independent GPIO pins are provided on the I/O header. ubilinux includes kernel platform drivers developed for the UP board to provide Linux GPIO pin numbering in the range 0-27, emulating that of the Raspberry Pi.
pcb assembly