ubilinux boot keyboard logo

Mircea Bogdan
New Member Posts: 15 ✭
Hey guys! Great work on up board and the community so far!
I have one question about Ubilinux. While booting up a keyboard like square logo appears in the top right corner. I assume this is some accessibility functionality , but could it be customized/hidden/removed?
I have one question about Ubilinux. While booting up a keyboard like square logo appears in the top right corner. I assume this is some accessibility functionality , but could it be customized/hidden/removed?
Do you mean a small logo shown with "UP" Logo?
If you also don't want to show UP logo:
You can enter BIOS setup, then set [Boot]->[Quiet Boot]->"Disabled" to disable UP logo then you will not see this small one. -
here is a screenshot of the logo https://drive.google.com/open?id=0By_KUjaB8L6TY2tGYTluQ1ZtVUk
Standard BIOS revision doesn't provide option to disable it, this feature needs to be customized. -
Can I do this customization myself without any consequences? And by consequences I mean warranty voidance and stuff. Tnx!
Unfortunately, we can't modify BIOS by ourselves, the feature can only be implemented in customized BIOS which relates to project evaluation.
Or you can feedback this requirement to customer's service mail, let us to collect information and evaluate this kind of customer's request.