Problems with ubuntu 18.04

New Member Posts: 1

I am new to open source world. I recently installed Ubuntu 18.04, after getting tired from windows errors. But it seems Ubuntu 18.04 is in very beginning stage or it is not suited with my machine (Asus x550l) or I did some mistake while installing Ubuntu (or probably installing it was a mistake.)

The problems are

my pad and mouse clicks become non responding, keyboard keeps on working but clicks can't be made. And frequency of this problem is increasing with time. Only solution I found was restarting and these days I am restarting in every hour or two.

I am unable to use numeric keypad. Even with external keyboards, they are non responsive. I have tried multiple keyboard settings but couldn't solve it.

I tried installing anaconda, there were some errors. Now I can't reinstall or uninstall it.

I wanted to uninstall dark table but it isn't shown in ubuntu software.

Firefox doesn't allow to login in many websites. It seems to be in built and I can't see it installed in Ubuntu software.

Any suggestions..??


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