UP4000 PCIe Connections

I am trying to set up a PCIe connection to the UP4000 board through CN21. Typically in PCIe comms you have a CWAKE# signal and a CPWRON signal. CWAKE# is pulled high from the standby power to indicate the card is wake capable. CPWRON indicates that the supply voltage rails have achieved a minimum nominal value.

Is CWAKE# used on the up4000 board? Is this the PCIe_WAKE_1V8 signal on the datasheet and is it pulled up on the UP4000 board or do I need to pull it up externally?

Is CPWRON used on the UP4000 board and if so, which signal on CN21 would this connect to?

My reference for these signals is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PCI_Express.

Thanks in advance for any support.


  • HarryChiu
    HarryChiu New Member Posts: 187 ✭✭✭

    Hi @TB1

    1. CWAKE and PCIe_WAKE_1V8 are the same and it is connected to the CPU on the mainboard.
      A 4.7K pull-up resistor is already present on the mainboard, so please do not connect it to any other power source.

    2. There is no CPWRON signal on CN21, but there is a similar signal available for use. BUF_PLT_RST# (Pin28) can be used instead.

    This signal is the CPU's platform reset signal, and when "all power" conditions are met, the CPU will pull this signal to a high level. In this circuit design, it operates at 3.3V.
    Additionally, since this signal is directly connected from the CPU, it is recommended to add a buffer in the board redesign to enhance the driving capability.

    Best Regards,
    Harry Chiu

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