Update BIOS on UP Xtreme i11 0000

SimonB New Member Posts: 5

I have downloaded the BIOS "UP Xtreme i11 0000 UEFI BIOS v1.4" from this web site, and burned it to a USB memory stick.

But when I run go.nsh, it gives the error message
4 - Error: ROM file ROMID is not compatible with existing BIOS ROMID.

At the moment, the BIOS reports itself as UPX_TGL01 R1.0 (V04Z3M10) (12/09/2021)

Am I doing something wrong?

Best Answer

  • camillus
    camillus AAEON Posts: 188 mod
    edited July 2022 Answer ✓

    Hi @SimonB ,

    You probably have the wrong BIOS. Is there a USB Type C port on your UP Xtreme i11 unit? If Yes then you have the right BIOS, if that is not the case you need the 0001 version please download the correct BIOS


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