Is there a method to backup BIOS Settings to USB?

ashvin New Member Posts: 3

Hi there,
After a BIOS Update to the Upboard (UPC1DM23), the setting (IGZ Turbo Enable) didn't match the old BIOS, which caused our software to run into some problems with a camera reducing the Framerate. I want to be able to save the new settings into a USB so that I can directly utilize the USB to make future updates.
Is there a way I could do this?

Best regards,


  • camillus
    camillus AAEON Posts: 188 mod

    Hi @ashvin ,

    At the moment it is not possible to backup the BIOS settings to USB. However, there is a possibilty to request for a customized BIOS for example, based on UPC1DM23 with your preferred setting and when there is a newer upgrade you will not run into those problems anymore as the upgrade will be based on your previous settings.

    You can request from here

    Best regards,

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