how to connect internet to UP board(intel atom x5-Z8350) using wifi adaptor

rajam New Member Posts: 1

I took an UP board, where we flashed an image which is with kernel 4.9.45 ubilinux, I included the Wi-Fi driver(rtl8821au) in the image itself.
After flashing the image, tp-link usb is getting detected and working fine, but I am not getting how to connect the board to Wi-Fi using Wi-Fi adaptor (TL-wn823n).
note: There is no GUI interface we are using, we need to connect to Wi-Fi through terminal.

Thanks in advance for any response.


  • HarryChiu
    HarryChiu New Member Posts: 185 ✭✭✭

    Hi Sir

    Could you please try the following steps for connecting??

    1.Open a terminal.

    2.Use the following command to list available WiFi networks:
    nmcli device wifi list
    This will display nearby available WiFi networks and their information.

    3.Find the WiFi network you want to connect to and note its SSID (network name).

    4.Use the following command to connect to the WiFi network, replacing your-ssid and your-password with the actual SSID and password:
    nmcli device wifi connect your-ssid password your-password
    If the network doesn't require a password, you can omit the password part.

    5.If everything is successful, you will be connected to the WiFi network.

    Best Regards,
    Harry Chiu

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